University of Jos Institutional Repository >
Browsing by Author Dakok, K.K.
Showing results 3 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2015 | Comparative Study on Luminal Diameter, Blood Flow Velocity and Intima Media Thickness of Carotid Arteries in Obese and Non- Obese Humans | Pam, S.D.; Dakok, K.K.; Chagok, N.M.D.; Gadong, E.P.; Sirisena, U.A.I. |
2015 | Determination of Boundary Values of Body Mass Index (BMI) for Cardiometabolic Risk Using Waist-To-Height Ratio (WHTR) for a Cross-Section of Adult Nigerian Population in Jos, Nigeria | Pam, S.D.; Sirisena, U.A.I.; Chagok, N.M.D.; Go’ar, G.T.; Dakok, K.K. |
2015 | Human Age Estimation: Use of Doppler Ultrasound Blood Velocity Measurement in the Human Carotid Artery | Pam, S.D.; Dakok, K.K.; Sirisena, U.A.I.; Gadong, E.P.; Taddy, E.N.; Chagok, N.M.D. |
2015 | Human Age Estimation: Use of Doppler Ultrasound Blood Velocity Measurement in the Human Carotid Artery | Pam, S.D.; Dakok, K.K.; Sirisena, U.A.I.; Gadong, E.P.; Taddy, E.N.; Chagok, N.M.D. |
Showing results 3 to 6 of 6