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Browsing by Author Kaye, J.
Showing results 5 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2015 | Meat Quality Improvement and Heritability Of Body Weight and Chemical Composition of Breast Meat in Japanese Quail (Cotunix coturnix japonica) | Kaye, J.; Akpa, G.N.; Adeyinka, I.A.; Nwagu, B.I. |
Dec-2015 | Rate of Genetic Improvement in Body Weight Component and Realized Heritability of Mineral Composition of Breast Meat in Japanese Quail (Cotunix Coturnix Japonica) | Kaye, J.; Akpa, G.N.; Adeyinka, I.A.; Nwagu, B.I. |
2008 | The Relationships Between Laying Age and Repeatability of Egg Quality Traits in Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) | Akpa, G.N.; Kaye, J.; Adeyinka, I.A.; Kabir, M. |
2018 | Reproduction Performance, Serum Biochemical and Growth Indices of Grower Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) fed Sheabutter (Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn.) Nut Meal | Idahor, K. O.; Osayande, U. D.; Sokunbi, O. A.; Osaiyuwu, O. H.; Adua, M. M.; Igoche, L. E.; Kaye, J. |
Showing results 5 to 8 of 8