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Showing results 2664 to 2683 of 3128
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Rumenolith in a Greater Kudu Antelope (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) kept in ZooDanjuma, Audu Friday; Abubakar, Aishatu; Otolorin, Gbeminiyi Richard; Mshelbwala, Philip Paul
Nov-2018Rural Electrification and Energy Poverty in Maza Village, Plateau State, NigeriaNesla, Asheazi Ruth; Gonap, Elisha Gobin
2013S2MXS2: Server Side Approach to Mitigating XSS Attacks Using Regular ExpressionBenjamin, B.C.; Oladeji, F.A.; Okolie, C.C.; Alakiri, H.O.; Olisa, O.
2017The Sad State of Art in Nigerian Primary Schools: Focus on the Class TeacherDatiri, Y.C.; Yusuph, R.D.; Momot, D.M.
2017Safety Rules and Procedure for Disaster Prevention of a Sustainable Control System DesignEzekiel, D.M.
30-Mar-2020Sanctification of work and turnover of teachers under insurgency: Would career satisfaction and affective commitment mediate the relationship?Vem, Linus Jonathan; Mbasua, Yakubu Ali; Davireng, Makrop
2014Sarcomas in Nigerian Children in Jos North Central NigeriaDauda, M.A.; Yakubu, D.; Mandong, B.M.; Ojo, E.O.
5-Jan-2018Saturated Salt Solution an Alternative Reagent in Reducing Formaldehyde Concentration in EmbalmingGosomji, I.J.; Omirinde, J.O.; Hena, S.A.; Wanmi, N.; Azeez, I.A.
2019Scaling-Up Educational Intervention in Special Inclusive Education in NigeriaAiyeleso, Mary M.; Umar, Ibrahim G.
2018Scanning Good Governance Through the Lenses of Investigative Reporting: The Case of Democracy in NigeriaDyikuk, J. Justine; Inaku, K. Egere
2010Schistosoma mansoni Infections Amongst Children in jos, NigeriaN.O, Goselle; D, Anegbe; G.N, Amandeh; D, Dakul; A.C.F, Onwuliri; O.J, Abba; O.E, Udeh; A.M, Abelau
2015School-Community Partnership and Diversification of Universal Basic Education Programme in NigeriaOke, Tolutope Idowu; Mainoma, Hauwa’u Muhammad
2017School for all ChildrenAiyeleso, Mary M.
30-Jun-2014School Health Services in primary schools in Jos, NigeriaToma, O. Bose; Tinuade, O.Oyebode; Gabriel, I.O. Toma; Agaba, Emmanuel
2008School Libraries as an Instrument for Achieving the Objectives of the National Policy on Education for Primary Schools in NigeriaGupiyem, Gungsat Gupiyem; Bitagi, Abubakar Mohammed
Oct-2012School Location Versus Academic Achievement in Physics: Does Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) Has Any Effect?Mcmillan, Mafulul Josiah
Jul-2015School Refusal Behaviour: A Psycho-Behavioural Disorder in Children and AdolescentBada, Steve Olusegun
2013Science and Technology Education: A Key to Poverty Eradication in NigeriaJosiah, Mcmillan Mafulul
2014Science Education and Sustainable Development in NigeriaOmole, Catherine Ohunene; Ozoji, Bernadette Ebele
Sep-2004Science Teaching and Learning in Nigerian Schools the Miroc-Computer AlternativeMcmillan, Mafulul Josiah
Showing results 2664 to 2683 of 3128
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