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Title: Client Satisfaction with Maternal Health Services Comparism between Public and Private Hospitals in Jos Nigeria
Authors: Chirdan, O.O.
Lar, L.A.
Afolaranmi, T.O.
Inalegwu, E.O.
Igoh, C.S.
Adah, G.U.
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Jos Journal of Medicine
Series/Report no.: Vol. 7;No. 1; Pp 1-9
Abstract: Background: One principal determinant of uptake and continued utilization of maternal health services is overall client satisfaction. The public and private sectors supply substantial portions of these services in developing countries, but face different challenges. This study aimed at determining the diflerences in the quality ofmaternal health services they offer in ./os metropolis of'Plateau State, Nigeria, to assess how these quality differentials impact upon clients 'satisfaction and suggesting how to improve on the gaps. Methods: This was facility-based, cross-sectional study where 400 women accessing maternal health services and whose children cameforfirst dose of DPT and subsequent vaccinations in selected public and private health facilities in Jos, Plateau State were recruited following informed consent. Data was collected using semi-structured, interviewer—administered questionnaires and analysed using Epi info software. Results: Ninety seven clients were sampled in the private and 204 in the public hospitals. Six (6.2%) of them in theprivate and 4(2%) in thepublic hospitals lived more than an hourfrom thefacility. There were statistically significant associations; p<0. 0001 between the groups with regards to waiting time, comfort and cleanliness of the waiting lounge. Utilization ofmaternal health services and level of satisfaction was most statistically significant," p<0. 0001 in terms ofhealth education, though in terms ofantenatal and nursing care, these relationships were not statistically significant; p 0.112 and p=0. 733. Conclusion: In both private and public facilities in Jos, clients were generally satisfied with maternal health services.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2152
ISSN: 2006-0734
Appears in Collections:Community Medicine

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